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“You are not what you are, rather, what you are is what you can be. The most interesting thing about life is that you can become more than you were before. You can become stronger, wiser and healthier than you ever dreamed possible.” — David Wolfe


Here you will find various definitions related to health, wellness and natural cooking. The definitions area is designed to help you on your journey to an energized, healthy and passionate life!



Is a root vegetable that belongs to the Dioscoreaceae family. The name Yam is an African word for the root of the Dioscorea genus of plants. This sweet root vegetable is not the same vegetable as the sweet potato and is one of the oldest known plant foods. Yams are considered a staple food in many countries which include Africa, the Pacific Islands, South America and the West indies. Yams provide good sources of vitamins such as B1, B6 and vitamin C as well as manganese. Yams are considered a health supportive food for women because they contain phytoestrogen activity and are an excellent source of B6 which helps the liver to eliminate excess estrogen. Because of their detoxifying ability, Yams are considered to be beneficial in helping women relieve PMS symptoms as well as fibrocystic breasts.

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