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“The human body is the universe in miniature. That which cannot be found in the body, is not to be found in the universe. Hence the philosopher’s formula, that the universe within, reflects the universe without. It follows therefore, that if our knowledge of our own body could be perfect, we would know the universe.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Patient EHR Portal

Home to all of your health records and documents.

Our electronic health records (EHR) system allows easy secure access to all of your nutrition plans and recommendations, diagnostic lab results, handouts, recipes and other documents provided.

Your security is important to us. We use technology that encrypts, safeguards, and secures your personal information. Our EHR system is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

In order to login to your patient portal, you must first receive an invitation from us. If you need help logging in to your patient portal or have questions, please feel free to contact us. If you were a patient before August 2019 and were utilizing our former EHR platform, please contact us. We will be very happy to help you!














Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
