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“If a person is living out his Personal Legend, he knows everything he needs to know. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” — Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist

Food Philosophy

The foundation of good health and happiness begins with the foods that you choose to nourish your body. Food is essential to keep you alive. It becomes the energy used by each one of your body’s cells. Every part of you is made from the food you eat. The quality of food that you choose to consume greatly affects your body’s ability to maintain a strong immune system and naturally heal itself.

We firmly believe in the body’s own healing ability if given the proper chance. Whole foods are filled with health supportive natural phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and enzymes and are vital for optimal health. They provide you with the best source of natural medicine so that your body can do its job of healing itself. Free from genetic modification and irradiation, whole foods are natural, real, unprocessed, fresh and grown organically without chemicals.

Our philosophy is best supported by Hippocrates the Father of Medicine who said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

When your body does not receive the right balance of nutrients that it needs it will produce symptoms as signals. These signals should never be ignored as their purpose is to inform you. Over time if changes are not made to directly address the cause of your symptoms your body can experience inflammation and disease.

When you eat processed and refined foods you jeopardize your health as many of these foods contain harmful ingredients such as hydrogenated oils or transfats, sugar as well as dyes, bleaches, emulsifiers, preservatives, flavors, buffers, sprays, acidifiers, alkalizers, deodorants, moisteners, drying agents, gases, extenders, thickeners, disinfectants, defoliants, fungicides, neutralizers, artificial sweeteners, anticaking and antifoaming agents, conditioners, curers, hydrolizers, hydrogenators, maturers, fortifiers and many other chemicals and additives that are intended to make products appear fresh, mask their inferior quality and give them a long shelf-life. During the refining process of foods valuable nutrients and enzymes are destroyed. When consumed these chemical toxins can accumulate in your body. Over time these toxins can weaken your immune system, cause many unpleasant health symptoms and eventually lead to serious chronic disease.

People often assume that part of aging includes feeling unwell and illness. But many diseases are related to congestion and toxicity from excessive intake and improper elimination. The use of medications can also mask the symptoms of toxicity without addressing the underlying cause.

Some Symptoms of Toxicity in the Body:

Headaches Joint Pains Brain Fog Fatigue
Immune Weakness Backaches Indigestion Mood Changes
Environmental Sensitivity Depression Anxiety Nervousness
Insomnia Sleepiness Frequent Colds Sinus Congestion
High Blood Fats Runny Nose Irritated Eyes Sore Throat
Circulatory Deficits Dizziness Angina Pectoris Fever
Itchy Nose Sexual Dysfunction Wheezing Skin Rashes
Hives Nausea Coughs Anorexia
Bad Breath Constipation Tight or Stiff Neck  

Some of the Health Problems Related to Toxicity in the Body:

Heart Disease Cancer Diabetes Obesity
Stroke Kidney Disease Arthritis Allergies
Hypertension Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Migraine Headaches
Alzheimer’s Disease Multiple Sclerosis Sexual Dysfunction Tension Headaches
Fibrocystic Breast Disease Uterine Fibroid Tumors Menstrual Problems Pneumonia
Constipation Bronchitis Kidney Stones Mental Illness
Gout Hepatitis Sinusitis Hemorrhoids
Acne Cataracts Prostate Disease Gallstones
Colitis Colds Gastritis Varicose Veins
Atherosclerosis Cirrhosis Emphysema Pancreatitis
Infections By: Bacteria, Virus, Fungus, Parasites, Worms Eczema Diverticulitis Peptic Ulcers


Over time if changes are not made to directly address the cause of your symptoms your body can experience serious health problems, illness and diseases such as these.



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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
