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“Many of the benefits man gets from the sunshine he can get from greens. Anyone in the city should especially think of greens as a means of getting sunshine to the body.” — Dr. Bernard Jensen


Here you will find various definitions related to health, wellness and natural cooking. The definitions area is designed to help you on your journey to an energized, healthy and passionate life!


Pan Fry

To fry in skillet with oil halfway up the sides of the food item.


To cook partially in boiling or simmering liquid.


To cook food in a liquid that is very hot but not bubbling at about 160° F to 180° F with a lid or some type of cover.

Pressure Cook

To cook food in a tightly sealed pot with some added liquid that holds in steam under pressure. As the pressure cooker heats up, the trapped steam rises above 212° F (standard boiling point) to 250° F. This method shortens the cooking time of foods such as beans and grains.


A food that has been mashed, whipped, finely chopped, grated or strained into a smooth pulp, paste or creamy sauce.

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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
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