On Wednesday, August 3, 2011, the Longview News-Journal featured an article on food allergies and intolerances in the Taste section titled "Gluten-free baking eases allergies." The article written by editor Charlotte Stewart, features a family who has had to learn to cook and prepare food without gluten and other ingredients that trigger severe health conditions for a member of their family.
The article includes an interview with Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, of Artemis in the City as an expert on food allergies and intolerances.
If you would like to read the article on the Longview News-Journal's website please click here or download the newspaper pdfs page 1 and page 2.
Thank you very much Charlotte and the Longview News-Journal for including Artemis in the City in the article! We are very grateful that you thought to interview Danielle.
The following is additional information which was provided during the interview. Danielle has extensive educational training, background and also professional experience in working with people who have food allergy and intolerance issues. She specializes in helping people who have various difficult to diagnose and treat health conditions that most often is linked to their food choices. Many of Danielle's clients initially have food intolerance or allergy issues but with dietary changes they are able to regain their health.
Food allergies and intolerances can be expressed through many symptoms such as (Read Full Article)