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“You are not what you are, rather, what you are is what you can be. The most interesting thing about life is that you can become more than you were before. You can become stronger, wiser and healthier than you ever dreamed possible.” — David Wolfe

Artemis in the City Blog

Could Solution to Health Care Reform Be What You Eat?

Posted: Tue, Mar 16, 2010
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

On Monday, March 15, 2010, Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, of Artemis in the City was featured in an interview with Bob Hallmark on KLTV Channel 7 News (Tyler/Longview/Jacksonville) along with two clients, Michelle Cook and Margaret Cunzalo, who share their success stories of healing with food.

If you would like the opportunity to read the story transcript while watching the video, please click here to view the story on KLTV's website.

We want to thank Bob Hallmark and KLTV Channel 7 News for telling the story of East Texans healing with food. It is our hope that more people will begin to embrace a holistic health and nutrition approach to healing and realize that their body has the power to heal itself when given the chance.

Please read the complete success stories of Margaret and Michelle.


Open the full article to see a larger video with volume control.


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