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“The human body is the universe in miniature. That which cannot be found in the body, is not to be found in the universe. Hence the philosopher’s formula, that the universe within, reflects the universe without. It follows therefore, that if our knowledge of our own body could be perfect, we would know the universe.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Artemis in the City Blog

Making a Healthy Hot Cacao

Posted: Tue, Jan 27, 2015
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Sometimes a cup of cacao is all that is needed to turn your blues around! Ancient civilizations of people such as the Mayans, Aztecs and Olmecs recognized the special medicinal properties of cacao. It was so valuable to them that cacao beans were a form of currency. They drank the bitter unsweetened chocolate drink mixed with spices such as chili pepper, to treat inflammation along with various diseases relating to the heart and liver. Cacao is considered to have exceptional nourishing qualities, promote longevity and even have aphrodisiac properties. To these ancient people, cacao was known as the “Food of Gods.”

Now many years later scientists have put cacao to the test in clinical research trials and are uncovering its health benefits. Cacao powder and dark chocolate are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Research conducted by University of California Davis found that the antioxidants in cacao reduce oxidative damage to lipids. Additional research has also shown that a cacao powder drink rich in flavonoids improved blood pressure and cellular dysfunction in people with heart disease. Clinical trials have even shown that participants report increased calmness, contentedness and improved anxiety and depression from drinking dark chocolate. But to be clear, these studies are not using milk chocolate or other refined chocolates which are high in refined sugar and fat. In addition to antioxidants, cacao is also rich in iron, magnesium and other minerals such as zinc, manganese, copper and chromium.

So on a cold winter’s day or just any time you are feeling a bit down and (Read Full Article)

USA for Africa 30 Year Anniversary!

Posted: Mon, Jan 26, 2015
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

It is hard to believe but it has been thirty years since the United Support of Artists for Africa recorded the song “We are the World” to try to alleviate the extreme starvation occurring in Africa and also hunger at home in America. This extraordinary group of artists raised over $75 million to fight hunger and poverty in Africa and also $25 million to fight hunger in the United States. Because of people like you who bought the record, many lives were saved.

But malnutrition and starvation are still very serious problems and each year millions of people die unnecessary deaths. Statistically, between 800 and 900 million people in the world do not have enough food to eat and tragically over 3 million children under the age of five die each year from unnecessary death. These statistics are hard to believe for those living in more developed areas of the world. Ironically among more wealthy nations diseases that are lifestyle related, which are also diseases of excess, far exceed infectious disease or starvation. One only needs to look at the “Hungry Planet: What the World Eats," photos taken by Peter Menzel to really grasp just how excessive many families live compared to those in some of the poorest parts of the world.

Nutrition is critical for development and health. For example, currently over 250 million children are at risk for vitamin A deficiency. Without healthy foods that contain rich sources of vitamin A, blindness can occur. This is a leading cause (Read Full Article)

Celebrating Health Coach Week!

Posted: Mon, Jan 12, 2015
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

This week is officially Health Coach Week! Beginning January 12th - 18th, Health Coaches are being celebrated for their dedication and work in helping individuals, families and communities improve their health and wellbeing and live healthy lives.

Around the world, the rate of preventable lifestyle disease is on the rise and life expectancy is declining. Scientists conservatively predict that by 2020, 1 out of 2 Americans will be obese and also have diabetes. Obesity and diabetes dramatically increase risks for other life threatening diseases. For example, just having diabetes makes a person 4 times more likely to die of heart disease or a stroke and obesity significantly increases risk for cancer. Billions of dollars have been spent trying to find the right medication to treat these diseases. But proven effective treatment has already been identified in diet and lifestyle. In fact some research has even shown that healthy lifestyle practices which help people lose weight, lower blood glucose levels and reverse inflammation and disease are more effective than medications.

Recently U.S. Congressional Representative Tim Ryan commended the work of health and wellness coaches as valuable professionals in the health care industry. Here is his (Read Full Article)


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