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“Many of the benefits man gets from the sunshine he can get from greens. Anyone in the city should especially think of greens as a means of getting sunshine to the body.” — Dr. Bernard Jensen

Artemis in the City Blog

Overcoming Type 2 Diabetes with Diet

Posted: Sat, Dec 22, 2012
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

On August 16, 2012, I received an email from a woman who I had worked with two years ago. She said, “Wow...what can I say. Things have really spun out of control for me. I just received the call from my doctor saying I have Type 2 Diabetes. I have felt like crap after those last two rounds of Prednisone. Now this!”

This news from my former client was very surprising. She had experienced a lot of success in my health program. She had lost weight and had identified many of the foods that were triggering food allergies which caused severe respiratory, body pain and skin reactions. She had been doing so well that she had entered into a master’s degree program to work towards her professional dream. She had no prior history of blood sugar issues or had ever been diagnosed with diabetes.

Upon viewing her blood test results, her doctor wrote a prescription for insulin and sent her to diabetes educators for training. Throughout her appointments, these health care providers all informed her that she would need to take insulin for the rest of her life. Naturally, she was extremely devastated by this news and felt hopeless. She contacted me immediately and requested an appointment that same day.

During our meeting we discussed the impact Prednisone can have on a person’s health and that it can cause (Read Full Article)

The Story Behind the Name Artemis in the City

Posted: Mon, Dec 10, 2012
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

People often ask me about the name of my company and why I chose Artemis. About 10 years ago I worked for someone who told me that a company name should reflect something personal and meaningful to you. At the time, he had a company which he had named Go Fat Free because he said he was always on a diet.

So when I began thinking of names for my company, I went through a long list of words trying to fit them together into a perfect name that would also be meaningful and convey the mission of my business.

I have always loved and related to the Greek goddess Artemis. I own various paintings and statues of Artemis and while living in New York City had an email address for myself which was Artemisinthecity@. After days of racking my brain for the perfect company name, and adamant that I did not want a company name with the word Wellness in it like thousands of others, my mother said, “I like Artemis in the City.”

At first I thought my mother was joking and I didn’t really take it very seriously. But then I thought about what my former boss and friend had said about company names. So I began working with the name and realized its great potential and symbolism and that it also represented something personal to me.

As I began visioning my company’s brand identity and logo, I knew that I wanted to create an icon that was memorable. The Greek goddess Artemis became my icon for my company. In Greek mythology, Artemis represents (Read Full Article)

Artemis Recipe Featured in South African Magazine

Posted: Mon, Dec 3, 2012
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC

Artemis in the City is excited to announce that one of our delicious recipes is featured this month in the December 2012 issue of CapeGate Life Magazine. The magazine is published for the CapeGate Shopping Precinct which is located in Cape Town, South Africa and has a circulation of 40,000!

We feel honored to be featured in CapeGate Life Magazine's Healthy Living section in the article titled "Eat Yourself Healthy." If you would like to read the article which appears on page 8 of the magazine, click here.

Thank you very much Pieter Loftus of Neo Blend Marketing and Cape Gate Shopping Precinct for including Artemis in the City in the article! We are very grateful to have the opportunity to let people know that eating healthy is also delicious!

Please click here to read the client testimonials and the complete success stories of some of Artemis in the City's clients who have greatly improved their health and reversed health issues by improving their diet.

Please click here to learn more about Artemis in the City's Holistic Nutrition Programs and Services.

Please click here to learn more about Danielle.


Artemis in the City Blog

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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
