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“Care of the soul requires craft – skill, attention, and art. To live with a high degree of artfulness means to attend to the small things that keep the soul engaged in whatever we are doing, and it is the very heart of soul-making.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Article Highlights

Artemis in the City Blog

Please visit the Artemis in the City Blog to view all available articles click here.

"Why Your Health Symptoms Could Be Diet Related"

Nutrition plays a key role in body metabolism and function but it is most often not investigated or discussed during a medical examination and people continue to suffer unnecessarily. Learn more about why your health symptoms could be diet related. To read full article click here.

"Recognizing and Treating Anorexia of Aging"

Anorexia of aging is a geriatric wasting disorder which involves the ability to compensate energy needs and satiation. In the older adult years or 70’s, a decline in both lean body mass and also fat can occur. Discover the many factors which play a role in anorexia of aging. To read full article click here.

"Health Risks of Female Athlete Triad"

Young female competitive athletes are particularly at risk for female athlete triad but female triad can also occur in young women who are very physically active but not necessarily a competitive athlete. The female athlete triad involves three conditions: disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis. To read full article click here.

"Causes of Infertility"

Dreaming of growing your family but having difficulty conceiving? There can be many causes of infertility, some of which are diet and lifestyle related. Provided is a list of various causes of infertility to consider. To read full article click here.

"Providing Babies with the Ideal Food for Optimal Health"

Hundreds of nutrient components have been identified in breast milk giving it substantial health and immune system properties that far exceed that of human milk substitutes. Learn more about providing babies with the ideal food for optimal health. To read full
article click here.

"Declining Male Reproductive Health Linked to Xenobiotic Endocrine Disruptors"

Researchers note that males across all species (humans, frogs, fish, alligators etc.) are declining and believe the decline is linked to endocrine disruptors such as phthalates and BPA. Learn more by watching the documentary The Disappearing Male. To read full
article click here.

"Are GMOs Affecting Your Health?"

A lot of people seem to be confused about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how they can potentially affect health and the environment. Essentially, GMOs are an organism that has been genetically altered in a way that does not occur naturally in nature. To read full article click here.

"Guide to Reducing Harmful AGEs & ALEs"

AGEs and ALEs cause oxidative damage, inflammation and disease.  Food choices and cooking methods can help reduce your exposure to AGEs and ALEs and live longer. To read full article click here.

"Obesity and Why People Overeat"

Historically, conventional approaches to obesity have suggested that
obesity is caused by personal choice, a personal failure of willpower, a
lack of education as well as not enough exercise. But, emerging
research into obesity has identified that there is much more involved. To read full article click here.

"Health Counselors / Coaches Play Vital Role in Helping People Live Healthy Lives"

Holistic Health Counselors / Coaches play a vital role in the health care industry by providing positive support, motivation, health education and training to people to help them reverse old habits and conditioning and to help them make healthier nutrition and lifestyle choices. To read full article click here.

"Help End Factory Farming"

Please educate yourself on factory farming and tell all of your friends and family about the food crisis in America! To read full article click here.

"Gluten-Free Baking Eases Allergies"

Danielle of Artemis in the City was featured in the food section of the Longview News-Journal as a health and nutrition expert on food allergies and intolerances. To read the article click here.

"East Texans' Bad Health Habits Get National Attention "

The grim health statistics of Anderson County have led to the county earning the nickname the Stroke Belt. To read full article click here.

"New Autism Research Indicates Environmental Factors as Cause "

New scientific research found that environmental factors increase children's susceptibility to developing autism more than genetics. To read full article click here.

"Farewell Jack LaLanne"

For over 75 years, LaLanne inspired people to exercise and eat healthy in order to live a long healthy life. To read full article click here.

"Aspartame - Why Take the Risk?"

Aspartame is a chemical poison. Why take the risk? Its components are known to cause neural cell damage and cancer. To read full article click here.

"Fructose Sugar and Alcohol are the Same - Learn the Truth!"

A compelling video presentation offering scientific research and explanation as to why fructose sugar is a dangerous poison. To read full article click here.

"Nutrition and Hydrotherapy Team Up for Good Health"

Good health, beauty and vitality is directly related to a person's inner cleanliness, quality nutrition, rest and emotional balance. To read full article click here.

"Raw Food Cuisine is More than Salad and Crudité!"

A basic introduction to raw food theory and cuisine by Chef Danielle Heard of Artemis in the City. To read full article click here.

"Don't Forget Your Lymphatic System in the Prevention of Disease!"

The lymphatic system is a very important component of the immune system that hasn't been given the attention that it deserves. To read full article click here.

"Love is as Essential as Food and Water"

Did you know that love is essential for people to experience good physical health? To read full article click here.





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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
