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“All eating is communion, feeding the soul as well as the body. Our cultural habit of eating 'fast food' reflects our current belief that all we need to take into ourselves, both literally and figuratively, is plain food, not food of real substance and not the imagination of real dining.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Three Decades to a Sick Nation

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Posted: Mon, Jul 13, 2009
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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Over the past 30 years, we have made changes to our nations' food supply that are greater than any other period in human history. We have moved our country away from traditional food and into a world of factory farmed and factory produced food that is not only harmful to our environment but is killing Americans.

Today, there is very little food in our grocery stores that is real food and that is healthy to eat. People now think that food comes in boxes with hundreds of different ingredients. When eaten, these foods slowly poison people until they develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease, auto-immune system diseases, and many other serious diseases including obesity. This poor quality food is creating enormous health care costs.

Across America is a sea of fast food and restaurant chains that are serving the same meals in a thousand locations. How can they do this? They accomplish this by creating cheap, prepackaged food that contains a toxic mixture of sugar, chemicals and preservatives. The food is nutrient-poor and the meat products are made from animals that have been raised inhumanely and not sustainably. The food is then cooked in harmful disease causing fats such as hydrogenated oil which is high heated and used over and over again.

Our government has allowed for this to happen to our society through legislation. Our government allows for companies to continue to "create" food using ingredients that are known to cause diseases so that this created food can last for very long periods of time on shelves. Our government allows for drugs to be used as artificial sweeteners in food and drinks. Our government allows for harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers to be used in farming that poisons our environment, food and water supply. Our government allows inhumane corporate farming practices that are the most horrible practices that our nation has ever seen. Animals are being fed unnatural diets consisting of animal waste by-products, saw dust and other substances including toxic fungal infested grains that are not deemed safe for humans. Animals have only been raised in these animal factory farms over the last 25 years in order for food corporations to keep up with the demand for animal meat to supply the fast food industry. Our government allows for over 125,000 cattle to be crowded into one feedlot. Our government allows for anabolic steroids to be placed into the ears of cattle to make them grow bigger and faster. These steroids are linked to breast cancer, prostate cancer and even early childhood development. Our government allows for chickens to be bred in ways that creates species with breasts so large they cannot stand up. Our government allows for animals to be raised in such poor conditions that their immune systems are so weak that they cannot live outside. Factory farming practices are the reason why we are seeing diseases like swine flu and mad cow disease. In addition, these factory farms create over 3 trillion pounds of waste manure each year. This is 10 times the amount of waste produced by humans. These huge waste lagoons contaminate our fresh food and water, and are a leading cause of global warming. And what about the fish? 70% of our world's fish population has been over fished. Why are endangered fish still being sold in restaurants and in markets? Why does our government allow for all of these things to happen?

Food is an external substance that is taken in internally. Food affects every cell in the human body. Food is necessary for people to live and for their bodies to function and maintain good health. The quality of food and nutrients people consume determines the physical and mental condition of their body. All calories are not created equal and consuming unhealthy food and animal products leads to unhealthy diseased people. We will never have a healthy society if we continue to monetarily subsidize and support a food industry that is disease causing.

It is no mystery why people are sick. I see clients every day who have long lists of symptoms and illnesses who are often taking more than 20 medications at the same time to address their multiple symptoms – and this too will kill them. At the root of their health problems is BAD FOOD AND POOR DIETS. Sadly people have no idea that their diet is so unhealthy. The food industry works very hard to prevent people from knowing the truth about how their food is made and where it comes from. And because the food that people are eating is also supported by both the United States Department of Agriculture and the American Dietetic Association, people assume their food is safe and healthy for them to eat.

Fake food has become the norm of our society. People, including young developing children, are existing on already prepared and packed foods that have been highly denatured, are nutrient-poor, and contain toxic ingredients. These toxic foods have made their way into our school systems and into our hospitals where they are fed to people who are sick and have weakened immune systems.

We cannot continue as a society based on profit and greed. We must work together to change this destructive path that we are on. The health and welfare of our society, animals and the only planet that we have to live on is at stake. You can help by supporting organic farming and sustainable practices which includes small local organic farmers and by supporting efforts to educate our public with the truth regarding food and health. Only when the truth about our food industry is exposed and changes are made to our food policies can America’s epidemic of disease be prevented.

Please write your congressional representatives and express the need for better food and food polices in America. 

Learn to make healthier choices and put products like these in your past!

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often. Please also feel free to post any comments. I would love your feedback.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!



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