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“All eating is communion, feeding the soul as well as the body. Our cultural habit of eating 'fast food' reflects our current belief that all we need to take into ourselves, both literally and figuratively, is plain food, not food of real substance and not the imagination of real dining.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Obesity and Why People Overeat

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Posted: Sun, Nov 30, 2014
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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Historically, conventional approaches to obesity have suggested that obesity is caused by personal choice, a personal failure of willpower, a lack of education as well as not enough exercise. But, emerging research into obesity has identified that there is much more involved such as environmental influences that conspire to get people to make unhealthy choices or cause them to become so highly addicted to foods that they can't control their eating and thoughts of food which drives them to overeat. 

The number of obese people in America has increased dramatically over the last 30 years. Now, two thirds of adults are obese along with 17% of children. When compared to other wealthy peer countries, America has a 40% obesity rate while countries such as Japan and Sweden have obesity rates of about 5%-6%. Though genetics can be implicated in obesity, researchers note that genetics is not the primary cause of obesity. So what has changed so much since the 1980's that has led to an epidemic of obesity and its classification as a disease by the American Medical Association?

Watch this lively panel discussion on "Why We Overeat: The Toxic Food Environment and Obesity" hosted by the Harvard School of Public Health. The panel includes health, epidemiology and nutrition experts Dr. Walter Willett, Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, Dr. Michael Rich and Dr. David Kessler.

Click here to view the video and discover some surprising facts that perhaps you were not aware are influencing your eating habits and ultimately your health.

Why We Overeat The Toxic Food Environment and Obesity: Click Here 

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