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“There is never enough food to feed the hungry soul.” — Gabriel Cousens, MD

Farmers Market Gallery

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Historic Longview Farmers Market - Fresh, Local, Natural and Sustainable Food!

In February 2010, Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, Founder of Artemis in the City, joined with a group of people in her hometown of Longview, Texas to develop the Historic Longview Farmers Market in downtown Longview. The new market is located on Cotton St. at High and Center on the historic Kelly Plow Works parking lot. Danielle served as the Vice President of the Board of Directors and led the development of the market through networking with area farmers to bring them on board. This has been a labor of love for Danielle as she helps to lead the local and sustainable food movement in this area to help improve the health of the community. This gallery is a collage of photos that Danielle has taken since the market's opening on May 15, 2010 and includes a few farm visit photos. For more information on the market, please visit www.historiclongviewfarmersmarket.com.

More Photos:
Farmers Market Gallery 2011


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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
