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“Your life is the manifestation of your dream; it is an art. And you can change your life anytime if you aren’t enjoying the dream.” — Don Miguel Ruiz

Asbury Park's Doctor Teams Up with Artemis!

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Posted: Sun, Jul 17, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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An apple a day might ring true and keep the doctor away for many people who are focusing on living a healthy life, but for many residents living in Asbury Park, NJ., their doctor is someone they want to see and who they trust.

Last year I began a business partnership with Dr. Angelo Chinnici, an internal medicine doctor and long time resident of Asbury Park. We met by chance through the Internet as he came across my website. After reviewing my information and background, he began to refer patients to me that he believed could benefit from my health counseling services and support.

Eager to meet each other in person, a trip to Asbury Park was planned during my recent trip to New York City. Not only did we meet but we also organized and held a health event, "Wellness Through Whole Food Nutrition" at his office while I was there. 

Dr. Chinnici and I spent the day touring his beautiful office (which is also his home), meeting his staff and shopping for the event that night. He took me to a fabulous health food store in the area, Dean's Natural Food Market, where we had fun shopping together and ate some delicious raw collard wraps and drank green vegetable juice! 

Everywhere we went, patients and friends were so happy to see Dr. Chinnici. They hugged him, wanted to cook soups for him and showed him photos of their kids so he could see how much they had grown since the last time he had seen them. Clearly he is well loved by those who know him. And did I mention that he enjoys shopping for healthy food?!

After showing me around Asbury Park, which is incredibly beautiful, we headed back to his office to get ready for the event. While Dr. Chinnici went to visit one of his 100-year-old patients in her home (Yes, he makes house calls too!), I spent time in his third-floor kitchen with his gorgeous orchids putting together the food and setting up the event area downstairs on the first-floor.

Upon his return, he was surpsied that I had moved all of the furniture and setup my prestation area by myself, which included moving large leather couches. It might be surprising for some to see a woman barely 5' tall and wearing a dress move furniture, but I have done this my entire life. I attribute my physical strength to eating healthy (lots of greens), and the many physical activities I have engaged in throughout the years such as drill team, swimming, sailing, water skiing, gardening, mowing, working out with dumb bells and carrying all of my shopping bags and spring water for more than a decade while living in New York City. Ironically, I finally bought a small cart to make things a bit easier on myself during my last year that I lived in the city.

As a single independent woman, I have often moved furniture by myself throughout the years and have done many other things that you might be surprised to learn about me. Yes! I have climbed onto the roof of my house and cleaned out gutters! Most recently on my trip to New York City, I stayed in a couple of my friends' walk-up apartments where it was nothing less than a hard core workout getting my 45-pound bag up and down three flights of stairs. Somehow I just always do it! 

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man (Woman),
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man (Woman).
I'm strong to the finich
Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man (Woman)!!

It was wonderful meeting Dr. Chinnici and I really enjoyed the time I spent in Asbury Park. It is absolutely beautiful there and his office staff, patients and friends were all very nice. We had a good turnout for the event but unfortunately I forgot to ask someone to take photos for me so that I could show you. I was so busy that day getting everything ready that I forgot to have someone act as a photographer! Once I came down the stairs carrying the final trays of food, I was greeted by a group of people who were already seated and ready to talk about health and whole foods!

I want to thank everyone who came to the event and I especially want to thank Dr. Chinnici for hosting me and for the opportunity to partner to help his patients regain their health. He is clearly an extraordinary doctor who is very compassionate, research minded and who is open to alternatives such as programs like mine in order to help people. 

I hope to be back in Asbury Park later this summer!

Please call toll-free 866-330-5421 if you are a healthcare provider and would like to partner with Artemis in the City or would like to arrange for Danielle to speak to your group or organization. Artemis in the City is an Integrative Health Partner!

Dr. Angelo Chinnici's lovely clinic and home on Sunset Avenue

Dr. Chinnici's beautiful Koi Fish Pond in the backyard

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!


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