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Artemis in the City Workshop Students Celebrate Success

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Posted: Mon, Jun 18, 2012
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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LONGVIEW, TX June 18, 2012 - Artemis in the City, LLC is very excited to announce that the first two groups of "Food for the Untamed Soul" Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone workshop series students will celebrate the completion of their 6 month health education program this week!

Their final class will focus on strategies that will help them continue to create a balanced healthy life. The students will also celebrate with a healthy lifestyle party to demonstrate their new food skills!

It is a time of great joy as we celebrate the students' completion of the program, their many health improvements that resulted from the implementation of what was learned throughout the program and their empowered status that will help them to live a healthy active life. 

Here is what some of the students have said about their experience in the program:

"My classes with Artemis in the City have changed my life. I have always eaten well but did not realize the impact that diet was having on my daily life. Since starting the classes, I have stopped using artificial products. I no longer have acid reflux, my energy level has increased, my memory is so much better and I have lost weight."

- Janell Kinsey

"I truly found when implementing the fresh whole foods eating plan in my life what the obvious effects are - more energy, clearer skin, less-no inflammation in joints. It is really amazing! It is so easy and simple to start to incorporate whole fresh foods into my diet. I have also learned so much about products to stock my kitchen with. I feel more informed now when shopping at local grocery stores for organics."

- Karen Jackson

"The information provided by Danielle allowed me to take a serious look at my eating habits. By following the advice offered in the workshop I'm feeling more energetic, less stressed, and I'm sleeping better. I appreciate Danielle's insights and highly recommend her training for anyone wanting a healthier lifestyle."

- Ken Estes

"My doctor recommended that I take a statin drug to lower my high cholesterol. Before my mother passed away last year, I was organizing her daily prescription medications which amounted to 22 pills a day plus 2 different types of insulin. I've decided that I don't want to take pills that just treat the symptoms without getting to the root cause. I told my doctor that I wanted to try nutrition and see if I can lower my cholesterol naturally. I had met Danielle at a health fair last year and been receiving her e-mail newsletter and it made such sense - whole foods! I've only been attending her group for a little over a month now but am beginning to feel better already, and as an added bonus I have lost about 10 pounds!"

- Nancy Satterwhite

"A friend of mine introduced me to Danielle Heard's holistic health workshop series as a way to lose weight. Within the very first class session, I realized that I had now stepped off into something far deeper and meaningful than just a weight loss program. The workshop series offers a gateway into a totally new mindset regarding personal nutrition. This is not just another 'walk away hungry' diet. If you follow Danielle's precepts, you will be fully satisfied after eating, and they will lead you to permanent weight loss and consequently a better quality of life."

- Greg Cashen

"This class has served as a catalyst of change that I am finding hard to quench. I'm hungry for knowledge and the steps I've taken so far have yielded immediate and recognizable changes. All of which are positive! I'm looking forward to continued learning and Danielle's passionate style of teaching keeps me inspired to continue on this journey of wholeness - mind, body and spirit."

- Concetta Drake

"When I first started Danielle's program, I was a Type II Diabetic, had high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was very tired and sluggish all the time. My mind was fuzzy and unfocused. I never felt like doing anything, due to being overweight and tired, so I sat all day after work and on weekends and watched TV or watched movies. I pretty much missed out on life. I have now completed four sessions (of Part 1 & 2) with Danielle, and have lost 25 pounds, I am off all of my medications and feel so ENGERGIZED!! I am busy again with my friends, walking my dog, and even taking some classes. You would be amazed how much better you feel after you stop eating junk food and start eating healthy organic foods. It truly makes all the difference in the world!

Danielle is very passionate about what she teaches and TRULY cares about you and this planet. She is very knowledgeable about food and will give you the tools for the rest of your life. The classes are informative, inspiring and a lot of fun. She will help you have a well balanced diet which will enable you have a very GREAT life!"

- Emily Heinz

To read more client testimonials please click here.


Artemis in the City, LLC, will launch 2 NEW “Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! 

This four-part workshop series is designed to teach people to effectively make lasting nutrition and lifestyle changes that can significantly improve their health, quality of life and prevent disease.

The primary focus of the health education program is on teaching people how to implement nutrient-rich whole foods and positive lifestyle change behaviors. There is no sale of nutritional products, calorie counting, fad dieting, weighing and measuring of foods or weigh-ins involved.

The entire workshop series includes 12 classes (24 hours of lecture and demonstration) divided into four part segments of 3 classes each. Each class will present new information that will help students continue to build a healthy life. People have the option of participating in the entire workshop series (12 classes) or only attending individual parts (3 classes in each part).

Part 1 – Creating Wellness through Whole Foods Nutrition
Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification
Part 3 – Building the Immune System & Preventing Disease
Part 4 – Creating Lasting Lifestyle Change

Please click the link if you would like to print the workshop class schedule: Flyer. It will take a minute for the pdf to load.

Through lectures and demonstrations, students attending the workshop series will learn to breakthrough the clutter of diet and nutrition information and know what to eat, how to shop, how to juice, and make healthier choices to create total wellness.


Artemis in the City is currently planning to hold a Monday Night Program and a Tuesday Night Program. Both workshops will be held from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM. Time is running out to sign-up for Part 1 which begins on Monday, June 25th & Tuesday, June 26th, 2012. If you are interested in participating in the classes, please SIGN-UP TODAY! The classes are held in Longview, Texas.

These are the final workshop programs we will be offering this year. We do however also offer private health counseling sessions and can work with anyone living within the United States.

For more information on Artemis in the City’s “Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series, please contact Danielle Heard, MS, HHC at 866.330.5421 or click here to review the event description and to SIGN-UP TODAY!

"Food for the Untamed Soul" Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone!
is a trademark of Artemis in the City, LLC.

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I wish you good health, happiness and love!


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