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“There is never enough food to feed the hungry soul.” — Gabriel Cousens, MD

Artemis in the City Launches New Holistic Health & Nutrition Workshop Series

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Posted: Mon, Dec 19, 2011
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
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LONGVIEW, TX December 19, 2011 – Beginning January 2012, Artemis in the City, LLC, will launch a new holistic health and nutrition workshop series in East Texas titled “Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone!

This four-part workshop series is designed to teach people to effectively make lasting nutrition and lifestyle changes that can significantly improve their health, quality of life and prevent disease.

This workshop series was developed and is taught by Danielle Heard, MS, HHC, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Certified Natural Whole Foods Chef and the Founder of Artemis in the City, LLC.

The “Food for the Untamed Soul” health education program is based on Danielle’s individualized health counseling programs that successfully help people lose weight, heal from many health symptoms and disease, increase energy, gain mental clarity, increase physical beauty and create lasting health and well-being.

The primary focus of the “Food for the Untamed Soul” health education program is on teaching people how to implement nutrient-rich whole foods and positive lifestyle change behaviors. There is no sale of nutritional products, calorie counting, fad dieting, weighing and measuring of foods or weigh-ins involved.

Everyone can benefit from learning to incorporate whole foods nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes. This program is however for people who are physically able to implement lifestyle changes, eat food and help themselves. It is also designed for an adult audience however mature teens who have a desire to learn are most welcome to attend.

"If we look around the country - look at the statistics, the clear indication is that most Americans are eating in a way that is having many adverse effects on their health,” states Walter Willett, MD, MPH, Dr.PH, Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. An overwhelming abundance of research shows that a person’s nutritional diet and lifestyle have a direct affect on the overall condition of their health. Many diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and obesity can be prevented when people choose the right dietary and lifestyle choices. The list of health conditions and symptoms which respond well to diet and lifestyle change is very long.

The Artemis in the City “Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone workshop series was developed to help people receive important life changing health information and instruction for a low cost for those who cannot afford private one-on-one health counseling sessions.

The entire workshop series includes 12 classes (24 hours of lecture and demonstration) divided into four part segments of 3 classes each. Each class will present new information that will help students continue to build a healthy life. People have the option of participating in the entire workshop series (12 classes) or only attending individual parts (3 classes in each part).

“Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series:

Part 1 – Creating Wellness through Whole Foods Nutrition
Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification
Part 3 – Building the Immune System & Preventing Disease
Part 4 – Creating Lasting Lifestyle Change 

Please click the links if you would like to print the flyers: Flyer 1 and Flyer 2. It will take a minute for the pdfs to load.

Through lectures and demonstrations, students attending the workshop series will learn to breakthrough the clutter of diet and nutrition information and know what to eat, how to shop, how to juice, and make healthier choices to create total wellness. Artemis in the City is currently planning to hold a Monday night program and a Tuesday night program from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM beginning January 9 & 10, 2012. The classes will be held in Longview, Texas. The event location will be determined based on the class size.

For more information on Artemis in the City’s “Food for the Untamed Soul” Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone workshop series, please contact Danielle Heard, MS, HHC at 866.330.5421 or click here to review the event description and to sign-up.

"Food for the Untamed Soul" Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone!
is a trademark of Artemis in the City, LLC.

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I wish you good health, happiness and love!
Happy Holidays!!


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