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“By caring for the soul faithfully, every day, we step out of the way and let our full genius emerge.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Artemis Featured in Growing Magazine

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Posted: Mon, Aug 5, 2013
By: Danielle Heard, MS, HHC
Artemis in the City Blog Home
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Artemis in the City is very happy to announce that we were featured in the July 2013 issue of Growing magazine. The national farming magazine is published by Moose River Media and has a print circulation of 20,000 with additional online presence.

We are very honored to have had the opportunity to be interviewed and featured in Growing magazine in the article titled "Selling Customers on Healthy Produce." The article focus is on the health of Americans and the growing market for fresh, local and sustainable (ie organic quality) food. If you would like to read the article online, which appears on pages 20-24 of the magazine, click here. You can also read and print the article by clicking on the following pdfs: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6.

Thank you very much David Weinstock and Curt Harler for writing such a great article and thank you Stephanie Peake and Moose River Media for including Artemis in the City in Growing magazine! We are very grateful to have the opportunity to let farmers know that there is a great demand for fresh produce that is grown without pesticides and herbicides.

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"Selling Customers on Healthy Produce"
Growing, July 2013 Issue

Thank you very much for reading my blog and please continue to visit often.

I wish you good health, happiness and love!


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