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“All eating is communion, feeding the soul as well as the body. Our cultural habit of eating 'fast food' reflects our current belief that all we need to take into ourselves, both literally and figuratively, is plain food, not food of real substance and not the imagination of real dining.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Client Testimonials

Read what clients are saying about their personal experience working with Dr. Danielle Heard, DCN, MS, MS, CNS, LDN, INHC of Artemis in the City.

"After I came down with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and some autoimmune illnesses, I was told by rheumatologists that my only options were prednisone (with what side effects!) and plaquinil (which could ruin my peripheral vision). That was ten years ago, when I could barely walk. Danielle Heard gave me hope that through nutrition and alternative therapies, I could improve without dangerous pharmaceuticals, and she showed me several pathways that I had been unaware of. A year or two later, my husband and I were taking ballroom dance classes. I will always be grateful to her for her invaluable counseling!"

— Donna Berliner, Ph.D., Dallas, TX

“Well, where do I begin? As all of us have certain needs with health issues and not eating nutritious foods, I had unwanted weight. Of course that’s where my interest began with Danielle. I thought I knew how and what to eat properly. What a surprise I had in store for me! Danielle has a wealth of knowledge as a well educated and well informed holistic health counselor, not to mention her degree as a natural whole foods chef. She is willing to work with you in recipes of foods and even surprises you with a recipe for a ‘sweet surprise.’ I really enjoyed sessions on food (and how to prepare), what are quality meats and where to find them and sharing movies and articles on how food is our medicine.

Danielle was very professional in her sessions and always helpful by answering my ‘silly’ questions and getting on my level. Her direction and correction always made me look forward to my next of eight sessions with Danielle.

Juicing as a way of life became so interesting after experiencing her demonstrations, and I have purchased a great juicer! By the way, the juices were delicious!

Best of all, her teaching each session was personalized for me. I was an individual treated ‘special.’ Thank you Danielle!”

— Sheila Laughlin, Longview, TX

"I just completed the course on juicing taught by Danielle Heard. It is phenomenal... The class is such a bargain considering what she invests physically and financially into making these sessions so great.

There are so many juicers and mixers and gadgets and slicers demonstrated. Then there are so many yummy concoctions we got to taste and sample. I must say, everything Danielle prepares tastes delicious. She makes eating healthy a delicious and satisfying experience.

It was a great pleasure to attend these classes, and I am looking forward to taking the other wellness classes she offers. Danielle presents us with the education and tools to change our life if we choose.

We can all improve our health and feel better with whole foods!" (Food for the Untamed Soul Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! - Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification)

— Martha Thompson, Longview, TX

"Danielle prepares food with such love and has the ability to focus on individual needs as she works with her clients. She raised my awareness about how I feel after I have eaten certain foods and has helped me to keep my blood sugar even and more stable. I used to have times where I was nauseous to the point of vomiting and had uncontrollable shaking. I have not had any episodes with my blood sugar since working with Danielle!"

— Brenda Russell, Longview, TX

"The Ivy League Garden Club of Longview, Texas had the pleasure of hearing Danielle Heard speak on the beneficial effects of highly nutritious food on health and well-being. Ms. Heard is a charming, personable, and dynamic speaker. She is so knowledgeable about holistic health counseling and nutrition that she captivated her audience, keeping the members of the Garden Club spellbound with her informative talk." (The Ivy League Garden Club of Longview, Texas Event: September 10, 2010)

— Jan Statman, Longview, TX

“I am 66, reasonably fit and have no chronic health problems. But in the last 10 years, I have gained 20 pounds and, even with medication, my blood pressure is occasionally dangerously unstable.

I know Danielle Heard and have eaten delicious foods she prepared. It seemed reasonable to add nutritional advice to my efforts to keep my blood pressure under control. We met and she advised me of simple and easy ways to change some of the foods that I eat and thus better control my blood pressure. Better nutrition along with blood pressure medications and regular physical exercise were perhaps the solution.

In the two weeks since that meeting I have implemented Danielle’s suggestions. My blood pressure is stable AND I have lost four pounds. Thank you Danielle!”

— Marolen Mullinax, Longview, TX

“Danielle spoke at the Women's Health Boutique recently to some of our breast cancer survivors and friends. Danielle is very passionate and knowledgeable about whole foods nutrition and how it affects the quality of our life. Americans are in a serious health crisis today and we must learn to take responsibility for our health and wellness. Our breast cancer survivors have been through the crisis and now have a better knowledge about making changes to the way they look at food and living. We appreciate Danielle sharing her journey and her desire to help others.” (Women's Health Boutique Event: April 19, 2011)

— Raye Kennedy, Marketing Director & Women's Health Specialist, Longview, TX

"After meeting with Danielle for six months, I've lost 20 pounds without having to starve. I have learned to watch what I eat and that there are many foods that taste good and are good for you. I know now that I don't require soda, or diet soda, cream and sugar in coffee. I drink lots of water and try to eat organic where possible. With Danielle you learn about everyday foods that are not good for you and how to avoid them. It is well worth the time and money invested."

— Bob Russell, Longview, TX

"Danielle’s classes in Part 2 of the Workshop Series went beyond the threshold of any expectations I had hoped for.

The juicing experience has added a newly found vibrancy to my life. Additionally, I am continuing to lose weight and I am gaining greater mental clarity.

I highly recommend this workshop to every person that wishes to embrace a healthier lifestyle." (Food for the Untamed Soul Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! - Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification)

— Greg Cashen, Kilgore, TX

"I have just completed a three month course with Danielle Heard. All the information she gave me has certainly changed my thinking, buying, cooking and eating. It will take me a while to implement all the changes.

She is so knowledgeable that it was a little hard to absorb all the information she would give me. But she was so patient and also provided me with many pages of everything we had gone over, plus recipes and help to implement all I had learned.

One of the most adventurous times we had was to go shopping in the health food stores. What an education!

Thank you so very much Danielle for all the time and effort you put into me.”

— Muriel Dehan, Longview, TX

“Danielle Heard...I don’t know where to begin. I’ve been to a few of her sessions and documentary showings since she came to Longview this year. How lucky we are to have this bright star amongst us. She is highly educated in preparing good food and eating well, and how we can make our life one of health and happiness. She has taught us how a steady indulgence of highly processed “fake” fast foods along with drinks poisoned with aspartame can greatly damage our beautiful temples.

Speaking of...my beautiful temple is somewhat overweight. I’m so comfortable with Danielle; I never feel like she views me with a critical eye, just a caring one. She has applauded me for any small positive moves I made toward better health. So you 'healthy' people out there, please know that Danielle will respect your body just as you are. You will be at ease with her.

Hear her speak, call her...meet her someway. I guarantee you that you will alter something about your diet. She quietly influences everyone to make changes, big and small.

— Martha Thompson, Longview, TX

“After discussing my ailment with a friend, she suggested the counseling of Danielle Heard. Let me just say that this was one of the best suggestions that I could have ever received! After speaking with Danielle for just a few minutes I knew things were going to be great. Her care and compassion for me as an individual made me feel great and sparked my interest in learning more about what could be done for me. I honestly felt like I could have talked to her for days. Having now been educated by her fine expertise in alternative health and nutrition practices, I am now certain that this is the way our bodies were constructed to live, and I will continue my guidance under her as a life long client.”

— David Muzzy, Atlanta, GA

"As a presenter at our annual Women in Longview Day, Danielle Heard was an obvious favorite with our participants. Danielle passionately and effectively communicates the message of how our food choices determine our quality of life and longevity. An engaging speaker, a nutritional expert, and an accomplished chef, she challenges her audience to adopt a healthier lifestyle, and she shows them how to do so." (WILD Event: March 24, 2011)

— Sandra Skoog, Women in Longview Day Facilitator, Longview, TX

"I am basically healthy but growing more mature I want to learn what to do to help me prevent infections and stay as well as I can.

I exercise and was eating what I thought was healthy but since I have been juicing, I have lost a few pounds, I feel better and I am buying more greens and raw veggies.

I know this will work and the support here is what I need!" (Food for the Untamed Soul Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! - Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification)

— Nancy Tomlinson, Longview, TX

"Danielle customized a program just for me with my health goals in mind with lots of information, recipes and a specific plan to follow. She introduced me to new foods and new ways to cook and juice. She educated me about food choices, supplements and looking differently at how food affects me. Danielle has helped me with implementing the changes I wanted to make in my life. Thank you Danielle!"

— Client C., Longview, TX

“I would like to recommend Danielle Heard (Artemis) for the position of private chef. She has worked for me from January through May assisting our chef and at times cooking independently from him. Danielle came to us in training under our chef, Richard LaMarita. Danielle assisted in all areas of meal preparation. She is particularly good with timing of meal service. At the last minute our chef had a funeral to go to and I had 25, twelve year olds for my daughter's birthday which happened to be a cooking party. She organized three groups of eight making sushi, pizza, cakes and baking cookies. She also did our Passover Seder and researched recipes. Her potato pancakes are the best I have ever had. Danielle has a great disposition and is meticulously organized. She gives 100 percent to everything she does. I highly recommend her for a chef's position as long as I can borrow her when our chef is on vacation. Only kidding!

— Lisa Engel, New York City, NY

"I got plenty of information to absorb and begin to put to use. This series helped me understand my role in getting myself healthier!" (Food for the Untamed Soul Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! - Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification)

— Philip Scott, Longview, TX

“Danielle and I have been close friends for almost a decade. She is honest and true.
She is also absolutely reliable and dedicated. Her love and respect for holistic nutrition is more than inspiring. It is her way of life and her passion; and it is her purpose to bring this to others so that they also may have joy in caring for and honoring their bodies and lives. I have had much trouble over the years with my digestion and Danielle has been on target every time. I no longer have near the disturbance I once had, thanks to changing several things per her guidance. I am in the process now of getting back to the goodness and wholeness of organics and natural foods, and Danielle's suggestions to me have been a treasure, and I trust her implicitly. I cannot think of a better way for her to minister: healing through care, compassion, and perfect nutrition.”

— Julia Smith, Seattle, WA

"I feel like this has literally saved my life. I can’t believe people are considering surgery to lose weight or cure diabetes. What has become of eating for health?

I was at the end of my rope with gastric problems and whole foods have changed my life! I only wish I could afford daily classes as I have so much to learn to completely change my eating habits." (Food for the Untamed Soul Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone Workshop Series! - Part 2 – Self-Healing & Regeneration through Juicing & Detoxification)

— Janell Kinsey, Longview, TX

"Danielle's seminar received rave reviews from those who attended at Women in Longview Day. She is an interesting presenter and shares valuable information, motivating listeners to improve their health practices both for prevention and healing purposes." (WILD Event: March 24, 2011)

— Janis Canion, Women in Longview Day Seminars Manager, Longview, TX

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Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
