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“You are not what you are, rather, what you are is what you can be. The most interesting thing about life is that you can become more than you were before. You can become stronger, wiser and healthier than you ever dreamed possible.” — David Wolfe

Events, Lectures, Classes

Spring Gentle Detox Program

Please join Certified Holistic Health Counselor and Natural Whole Foods Chef Danielle Heard on Saturday, April 24, 2010 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) and Saturday, May 15, 2010 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) to participate in the Spring Gentle Detox Program. This is a 3-week program designed to help you gently and safely cleanse your body from harmful toxins without extreme fasting or supplemental cleansing products.

Spring is one of the best times of the year to implement a detox program to help you cleanse and remove toxins, increase energy, lose weight, increase motivation and creativity, and improve many health symptoms.

Some signs of toxicity include headaches, constipation, high blood fats, heart disease, cataracts, allergies, skin rashes, frequent colds, depression, insomnia, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, gout, obesity, arthritis, indigestion, PMS, drug addiction, hemorrhoids, diabetes, cancer, kidney stones, gallstones, acne, Alzheimer’s disease and more.

During the initial session you will learn basic gentle detoxification and review your 3-week plan, discuss the body’s basic detoxification systems, the benefits of detoxification and learn additional ways you can detox your body. You will also receive guidance to help you implement the 3-week program and sample healthy delicious food. You will then return on Saturday, May 15, 2010 to discuss your overall progress and health condition and make a plan for your health moving forward. The level of your success in this program depends on your dedication to the program and your willingness to give your body a rest. Come have fun and improve your health in just a few short weeks!

For any questions regarding this class please call toll-free 866-330-5421. The classes will be held at Danielle’s office located in Longview, Texas. Complete address will be provided to all registered students. Space is limited and based on first come first serve basis. Please kindly read our class enrollment & cancellation policy. All students must complete a health history form in order to participate. The deadline to enroll in the program is Wednesday, April 21, 2010. If for any reason you need to cancel, the cancellation deadline date for this class is April 21, 2010.

Spring Gentle Detox Program would make a great gift for someone you love.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Group Gentle Detox Program

Glenrose St., Longview, TX 75604

Danielle Heard, MS, HHC


Class Enrollment & Cancellation Policy
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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
