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“Care of the soul requires craft – skill, attention, and art. To live with a high degree of artfulness means to attend to the small things that keep the soul engaged in whatever we are doing, and it is the very heart of soul-making.” — Thomas Moore, Ph.D.

Events, Lectures, Classes

Easy & Healthy Home Sprouting Basics

Have you been wanting to incorporate sprouting as part of a healthy lifestyle but need some help getting started? Have you tried sprouting before but did not have any luck?

Let Artemis in the City show you different sprouting methods for various beans, legumes and seeds that will make sprouting at home easy and successful.

This class will cover the various types of sprouts, the health benefits of regularly eating sprouts as part of a healthy lifestyle, basic sprouting setup and equipment, and tips for growing beautiful delicious sprouts easily and successfully!

Total Cost per Person: $50.00

Class registration fees can be made with cash, check or credit card to Artemis in the City, LLC. Please contact us if you would like to mail your payment.

Deadline to sign-up: November 18, 2012

(Sprouting preparation and growing is required to host this class. You must register by this date so that we can prepare for the class.)

Deadline for cancellation: November 18, 2012

"My classes with Artemis in the City have changed my life. I have always eaten well but did not realize the impact that diet was having on my daily life. Since starting the classes, I have stopped using artificial products. I no longer have acid reflux, my energy level has increased, my memory is so much better and I have lost weight. I intend to take more of the classes in the future to increase my knowledge of whole foods." — Janell Kinsey, Longview, TX

Classes will be held in Longview, Texas. The event location will be confirmed to enrolled students. Space is limited and is based on first come registration basis.

Class Enrollment and Cancellation Policy:
Please read our Class Enrollment and Cancellation Policy. Refunds or credits, should you need to cancel or reschedule, can only be granted to those who contact us and make the cancellation request prior to the class registration cancellation date listed on the event. If you miss a class within the series, you cannot make it up or receive a refund because we have reserved the space and planned for you to attend the class.

As a Health Counselor we encourage all Clients to continue to visit and be treated by his/her healthcare professionals. Accordingly, the client understands that the Counselor is not providing health care or medical services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever, any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body.

Gift Certificates:
If you are looking for a meaningful gift for a special occasion, birthday or holiday, consider giving this workshop series (all or in part) to friends and relatives!

For any questions regarding this event please call toll-free 866-330-5421 or email events@artemisinthecity.com.

"Food for the Untamed Soul" Nutrition, Self-Healing & Lifestyle Plan for Everyone! is a trademark of Artemis in the City, LLC.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Lecture with Demonstration

Address TBD - Longview, TX

Danielle Heard, MS, HHC


Class Enrollment & Cancellation Policy
Sold Out


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Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.

Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | © 2008-2025 Artemis in the City, LLC. All rights reserved.
Email: info@artemisinthecity.com | Phone: 903-759-0172 | United States
Artemis in the City and logo and Food for the Untamed Soul are trademarks of Artemis in the City, LLC.
